Rose Rouse is a certified Yoga, Pilates, Thai Yoga Massage and Infant Massage instructor in New York City. She began her journey in 2004 and since then she has studied many different styles of Yoga and Pilates through trainings and workshops. Rose teaches with a focus on core strength and infuses elements from her athletic background to leave you feeling energized and balanced. Her teaching style is challenging but accessible to all levels. Above all she wants you leaving her sessions feeling relaxed and peaceful. Her clientele include a wide range from athletes to pregnant women. 

Pregnancy is a beautiful gift but comes with it’s challenges. After having her son in 2012, Rose became passionate with pre/post natal health, training and recovery. She is a true believer that you can find balance, beauty and strength in your post-baby mind and body through your Yoga and Pilates practice. 

Rose’s teaching philosophy is simple “you must find peace and happiness within yourself in order to be able to pass it on to others.”